How To Whiten Teeth Naturally

how_to_whiten_teeth_naturallyHow To Whiten Teeth Naturally : To deal with the yellow teeth, we can use the steps or methods as well as natural ingredients like that please explain below in.

Natural ingredients to whiten teeth
Malic acid content in strawberry is useful for changing the color of the teeth so much white. A dentist in new york explained that strawberries are inexpensive steps to brighten your smile. But, do keep sharing, acid could result in damage to the enamel of the tooth. Stride, mashed strawberry ripe one and rub it on the tooth. Let sit along five to 10 minutes. He sikatlah teeth with toothpaste.

Apples can work just like a natural tooth brush and can be used as teeth whitening. When we chew the apples then rubbing against him as well as the teeth can be able to lift stains without resulting in tooth decay. Eat fruits and vegetables after a great meal.

Baking soda
Another popular natural ingredient to whiten teeth, namely baking soda. Baking soda has a character that can remove stains on the surface of the tooth.

Satulagi food that is useful for teeth namely cheese. Eat cheese after meals is good for your teeth. Cheese and yogurt as well as other product like milk has calcium deposits that could whiten as well as strengthen the teeth.

Chew gum
Chewing gum can also be so routine that can make our teeth so white. Surely it is not indiscriminate chewing gum but just some type of chewing gum which contain xylitol

The pattern of living that healthy white teeth
Diligent brushing my teeth
Menggosk tooth that is one step to protect the cleanliness of teeth from remains of the foods we eat. Brush your teeth before bed time is absolute act when making our teeth clean and white, because we can clean substances destroyer teeth nempel digigi time we eat.

Diligent to the dentist
Among the steps that we've already had a yellow teeth are going to the dentist for dental care is given us. It took note that other people sometimes had a huge tooth character not equal to that of dental experts who can hammer out our problem.

Gargle after meal
Gargling after meals or when the need to brush your teeth after eating can help us from yellow teeth because there are some substances contained in the food may be left in our teeth and cause yellow teeth. But if we diligently gargle after meal, then sisa2 the food at risk to teeth we can minimalisir.

Stop smoking
As we know, smoking is a very ugly routines that are detrimental to our health. Among the yellow teeth smoking triggers, so when pingin have white teeth color, then we must stop smoking.

Stay away from alcohol
Alcohol is a substance which is very risky as well. These substances can make bad breath as well as other health problems include dental health. Alcohol has a character resulted in damage to teeth when consumed with a keep.

This brief guide to dental health at this time, How To Whiten Teeth Naturally  may be useful.

Posted by: Intan Mustika
Health Magazine Updated at: 01.53


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